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At 11:44 AM,
Jason Zito said…
I believe we should all eat at Mcdonalds a lot and send away for free game pieces. I want to win millions of dollars. or tens of thousands. or whatever. jess and i have b and o railroad and pennylvania railroad. if anybody else gets the other two, we can split the 5 mil in a fair sort of way. we have other ones too; strength in numbers, people!
At 11:56 AM,
shawn said…
Listen, greedy. Why don't you spell it out for us...
"We can split the 5 mil in a fair sort of way."
A fair sort of way? Why didn't you say "evenly" or "proportionately to the pieces."
Or do you have some other trickery in mind. This is why it's important to know your friends. I'm going to tell you I have the other 2 RR's, and guess what you'll say?
YOU: I'll buy your pieces for $50,000.
ME: Why don't we just split it?
YOU: Because I won't split it, period. But at least if you sell me yours, you'll have $50,000 rather than nothing.
ME: I wash my hands of you. [swish-swash-the sound of brushing hands]
At 12:14 PM,
shawn said…
NAME Color # Avail.
Short Line Railroad 1
Boardwalk Blue 1
Pennsylvania Green 2
Ventnor Yellow 10
Kentucky Red 50
Tennessee Orange 100
Virginia Maroon 250
Vermont Bluegray 500
Mediterranean Purple 5000
At 12:15 PM,
Jason Zito said…
hmmm...well...i thought we could trust each other, but i guess not. JERK.
i didn't want to decide if it was better to do it evenly or proportionate to pieces...what if one person had r&r and pennsylvania and the other person had the other two AND r&r? it gets complicated easily. and i didnt want to assume that "evenly" was fair if one person had three pieces and the other person only had one. but i do think that the only ones to split the money should be the ones that actually have the pieces, rather than like on "friends" when they all bought lottery tickets and everybody would've split the whole thing. or maybe depends how generous we are feeling.
in any case, we should go NUTS and at least buy medium or large pops as mcdonalds whenever we want pop to drink.
a small booger just fell out of my nose, onto the desk. just fell. no coaxing at ALL. wierd, huh?
At 4:29 AM,
Jason Zito said…
now that i realize the rarity of getting certain pieces compared to the ease of getting others, i take back my statements. everyone for themselves!
At 9:00 AM,
Jason Zito said…
alright let me change the subject. this is for chris, i dont agree with it all, but i thought it was a humorous read.
At 6:22 AM,
Chris Trumble said…
See, now I would have to agree. Not that Harry is a fraud, but that he's unusually lucky and the benificiary of past Hogwarts legacies.
At 6:24 AM,
Chris Trumble said…
i say if you get one of the pieces that shawn listed, that you either do the footwork and buy more food for the more common pieces, or buy them on eBay.
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