Phallics, up to and including Patrick Swayze
Before starting this post, I looked up some spelling, but I didn't go too far into it. So this is what I'm settling on.A phallus is an actual penis or picture of one.A phallic is something that resembles a phallus. like a metaphor.(You can also use the word "phallus" for this last definition, but according to wikipedia, "phallic" is more correct)Plural phallus is phalluses.Plural phallic I didn't find. Phalli apparently isn't plural for phallus, so maybe I'll use that. Or maybe I'll avoid the problem by using phallic symbols. Phinally, maybe I'll use phallics or phallix or phalliz, because this is my blog, and that's what I do. I just rock out however the heck I want.
Here's what I have a problem with: The whole idea of phallic symbols. Now I don't care about the psychology of it and I don't care who Freud is, because that's exactly what I think is so ridiculous.
Skyscrapers: phallics? I don't think so. Practical, probably, but not phallics. Do they represent power and MANLINESS and a huge penis? Maybe they can resemble those things, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're meant to represent those things. Now I'm not getting too psychologically into this. I'm sure you can argue the psychology of phallic symbols pretty convincingly in the right context. It doesn't make sense to build that huge of a building NOT that tall, because you'd take up acres and acres of extra real estate. Would females argue to build the building down into the ground to emphasize womanhood? No, it would be way more expensive and difficult.
It's just that it's so overused and overanalyzed. There's so much that COULD be a phallic symbol, so it doesn't make sense to really look into every possibility too deeply. Let's say a bully walks up to me and haughtily points his finger at my face saying something intimidating like, "You're mine punk, you're MINE!" Should my main concern be the phallic his finger is making? And in his toughness, is he subconsciously trying to act manly by sticking his straight finger in my face? If I was too psychological about it, I would say, "Gross, get that thing out of my face!" I would say, "Are you emphasizing your manhood or compensating for a lack thereof?" Then, when he went to punch me, I would say, "Gross, don't touch me with your arm in that position." Or let's say I had some sense and ran away, would I turn around and observe his legs and arms and say, "Gross, you're going to get arrested for exposing all of those phallics in public!" The smartest thing to do would be to run and forget about the phallics.
This leads to another point.
Using psychology theories, you can discount anything. Who remembers when Donnie Darko was making some good points against Patrick Swayze's character, that the reason the kid doesn't know what to do with his life is that it takes time to figure out and it's not just a result of fear? Swayze's response was to totally discount Donnie by telling him and the whole crowd that he's afraid, and that he just needs love. Meanwhile the crowd hypnotically nods in agreement with Swayze. I just read that Freud was extremely angered by those that disagreed with his theory. Swayze=Freud. And not just because they're killer dancers.
I agree that the phallically obsessed bully I explained earlier probably has a deep-rooted machismo complex (and I just looked up and found out that machismo is and arrogant attitude by men towards women, although the way I'm using machismo here is to describe someone who has an arrogant attitude toward any male who is too far from his definition of pure man), BUT it doesn't mean his pointed finger is subconsciously a phallic. It also doesn't mean that I can completely discount his claim that I'm a "punk."
At 10:33 AM,
Jason Zito said…
The skyscraper thing made me laugh. Just so you know, i was mostly kidding, although, i would not be suprised if the original idea for the skyscraper had a subconscious motivation like this. honestly, the brain is very complex, and our subconscious minds, even harder to grasp. it is possible that if i point my finger at you when i am mad, there is, somewhere in my brain, an association between the two, trying to show superiority or something. Or maybe on some level, when I stack my poker chips really tall, i am trying to intimidate you in an animal-like fashion, with phallic connection. this isnt necessarily my intention on a conscious level, but there may be some underlying animal-like motivation that i am unaware of. i wouldnt be suprised, at least. but i am no psych major.
At 10:49 AM,
Chris Trumble said…
i don't know whats smaller Jason, your phallus or your poler chip stack. Snap!
At 10:52 AM,
shawn said…
Ha, well i knew when you said that that it was jokingly, but it just inspired this post.
ha HA, but your examples are a perfect example of how some overanalyze phallics. Poker chips just stack that way naturally. It's just messy to leave them in dozens of short stacks. Plus, isn't just one chip just a short phallic? A chode phallic?
Sure your brain probably makes this association. So I can't say that it canNOT be a motivating factor, BUT I'm sure you can agree that it can be taken overboard. Which is funny to do, but not completely convincing psychology. For instance, you were just trying to use skyscrapers as an innocent example whenever that was, but you were worried (even if jokingly) that someone would discredit your meritable example because of the phallic possibility.
At 11:38 AM,
Jason Zito said…
yeah, well i dont know whats dumber, your conscious or your subconscious! ooooh yeah!
anywayyyy, yes, it is dumb to go overboard, but interesting to ponder. as far as chip stacks go, i was referring to whether one lays them in their tray or stands them up tall to be intimidating. or maybe i am questioning the institution of chips altogher. why do they have to be thin discs that stack upward to form such an image? there are plenty of other possibilities. whoever made up chips is a PERV. heh heh...
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